Thursday, June 29, 2023



Narrative Report: Environmental Protection Outreach Program

Date: May 6, 2023

Location: District 4, San Manuel, Isabela

Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

On May 6, 2023, an outreach program was conducted in District 4 of San Manuel, Isabela, with a focus on environmental protection and the creation of signage. The program aimed to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and engage the community in creating visually appealing and informative signs that promote sustainable practices.

The event commenced with an opening remarks delivered by Lovely U. Esquillo, which included an introduction to the objectives and significance of the outreach program. The attendees were welcomed by the organizers and invited to actively participate in the activities. After that, Jester Paul T. Garcia delivered a comprehensive talk on the importance of environmental protection.

Following the awareness talk, a signage making workshop was conducted. The participants were provided with art supplies, such as paints, brushes, markers, and cardboard materials. Guided by the third year college students of Our Lady of the Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated, they were encouraged to design creative and informative signs related to environmental protection. The participants enthusiastically expressed their ideas and worked collaboratively to create visually appealing and impactful signage.

As the outreach program drew to a close, a closing ceremony was held to express gratitude to all the participants, organizers, and volunteers who contributed to the success of the event.

Hence, the outreach program on environmental protection and signage making at District 4, San Manuel, Isabela, was a resounding success. It effectively raised awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and engaged the community members in creating visually appealing and informative signs. Through educational talks, interactive activities, and collaborative efforts, the program inspired individuals to take responsibility for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices. It is hoped that the knowledge gained and the spirit of community engagement fostered during this program will continue to have a positive impact on the local community’s environmental consciousness and actions in the future.

Narrative Report: Seminar on the Pros and Cons of Social Media at Mananao Elementary School

Date: May 11, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

On May 11, 2023, a seminar on the pros and cons of social media was held at Mananao Elementary School. The event aimed to educate the grade 6 pupils about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media platforms. The seminar was organized by the third year college students of Our Lady of the Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated in collaboration with the speakers Mr. Omar Q. Panantaon and Lovely U. Esquillo who were BSED-ENGLISH.

The seminar started promptly at 1:00 PM. The organizers welcomed everyone and introduced the guest speakers, emphasizing the importance of understanding the benefits and risks associated with social media.

The guest speakers, Ms. Lovely Esquillo and Mr. Omar Panantaon, commenced the presentation. They discussed the positive aspects of social media, including its ability to connect people, foster creativity, and facilitate learning. They also highlighted the potential drawbacks such as cyberbullying, privacy concerns, and excessive screen time. The speakers encouraged the audience to be critical thinkers and to utilize social media responsibly.

Following the presentation, an interactive session was conducted to engage the participants. Attendees were encouraged to share their experiences, ask questions, and express their concerns related to social media. The speakers provided valuable insights and advice on handling various challenges associated with digital platforms.

The seminar on the pros and cons of social media at Mananao Elementary School proved to be an informative and thought-provoking event. It provided students, teachers, and parents with a comprehensive understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of social media platforms. The seminar not only addressed the positive aspects of social media but also emphasized the importance of responsible usage and highlighted potential risks. The event successfully fostered awareness and critical thinking among the attendees, equipping them with the knowledge needed to navigate the digital landscape safely and effectively.

Narrative Report: District 4 San Manuel Isabela Clean-up Drive

Date: May 13, 2023

Time: 7:00 am – 1:00 pm

On May 13, 2023, a community-led clean-up drive was organized in District 4 of San Manuel, Isabela. The event aimed to foster environmental awareness, promote community participation, and enhance the overall cleanliness and sustainability of the area. From 7:00 am to 1:00 pm, volunteers from District 4 gathered to contribute their time and efforts towards this noble cause.

Several weeks before the event, the organizing committee, in collaboration with the SK Chairwoman, diligently planned the clean-up drive. They identified the areas in District 4 that required attention and made arrangements for the necessary tools and resources, such as gloves, garbage bags, brooms, and shovels.

As the clock struck 7:00 am, the volunteers assembled at the designated meeting point, where they were greeted by the organizing committee. The event commenced with a brief orientation session, emphasizing the significance of the clean-up drive and the impact it could have on the environment and the community’s well-being.

The clean-up drive was divided into smaller groups, each assigned to a specific area within District 4. The teams, equipped with the necessary tools, dispersed throughout the neighborhood, ready to tackle the accumulated waste and debris. A palpable sense of enthusiasm and dedication filled the air as participants exchanged smiles and words of encouragement.

The volunteers meticulously combed through streets, parks, and other public spaces, meticulously collecting litter, fallen leaves, and other forms of garbage. They collaborated effortlessly, working in harmony to ensure that no area was left unattended. From plastic bottles to food wrappers, the collected waste highlighted the pressing need for sustainable waste management practices in the community.

The success of the clean-up drive would not have been possible without the overwhelming support and participation of the local community. Residents of District 4 actively joined the volunteers, demonstrating their commitment to keeping their neighborhood clean and sustainable.

The District 4 San Manuel Isabela clean-up was a resounding success. The event brought together individuals from various backgrounds, united in their desire to make a positive impact on the environment and their community. Through their collective efforts, numerous bags of waste were collected, transforming District 4 into a cleaner and more inviting place for all.

This clean-up drive stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration and the importance of environmental stewardship. By raising awareness about proper waste management and encouraging active participation, the event has sown the seeds for a more environmentally conscious and sustainable future in District 4 of San Manuel, Isabela. The organizing committee and volunteers hope that this initiative will inspire similar actions and further ignite a passion for environmental preservation among the residents.

Narrative Report: Teaching Microsoft Word to Grade 6 Pupils of Mananao Elementary School
Date: May 16, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

On May 16, 2023, an interactive session was conducted to teach Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School about Microsoft Word, an essential word processing software widely used in various industries and educational settings. The objective of the session was to familiarize the students with the basic features and functionalities of Microsoft Word, enabling them to enhance their digital literacy skills.
At 1:00 PM, the session began with an introduction to Microsoft Word and its importance in everyday life, highlighting its usefulness in creating documents such as essays, reports, and letters. The facilitator emphasized the significance of digital skills in the modern world and encouraged the students to actively participate in the learning activities.
The students were introduced to the different elements of the Microsoft Word interface, such as the title bar, home, insert, design, and status bar. They learned how to navigate through the software and locate various commands and options.
Next, the facilitator which is the third year college students of Our Lady of the Pillar College San Manuel Incorporated guided the pupils on creating a new document, entering text, and applying basic formatting options such as font style, size, and alignment. They were taught how to modify paragraphs, apply headings, and insert page breaks.
The students learned how to enhance their documents by inserting and formatting objects such as images, tables, and shapes. The facilitator demonstrated the process of resizing and positioning objects, as well as applying borders and colors.
The session concluded with a discussion on the importance of saving and organizing documents effectively. The students were taught how to save their work and create folders for better file management.
Throughout the session, the facilitator encouraged student participation by asking questions and providing opportunities for hands-on practice. The students actively engaged in the activities, asking relevant questions and seeking clarification when needed. Their progress was assessed through observation and their ability to complete the assigned tasks.
The Microsoft Word training session conducted for Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School was a success. The students exhibited enthusiasm and a willingness to learn, actively participating in the activities and demonstrating their understanding of the software’s fundamental features. By equipping them with these digital literacy skills, the session aimed to enhance their educational experience and prepare them for future academic and professional endeavors.

Narrative Report: Microsoft Word Tutorial for Grade 6 Pupils

Date: May 18, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Venue: Mananao Elementary School

On May 18, 2023, a group of 3rd-year college education students embarked on a special educational initiative. Under the guidance of their subject teacher Ma’am Marijoe M. Pimentel, they conducted a Microsoft Word tutorial for the Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School. The purpose of this tutorial was to introduce the young learners to the basics of Microsoft Word, enabling them to develop essential computer skills that would be valuable throughout their academic journey and beyond.

The tutorial session commenced with a warm welcome from the college education students. They introduced themselves and shared their passion for teaching and technology. The Grade 6 pupils responded with enthusiasm, displaying their eagerness to learn.

The college students provided a brief overview of Microsoft Word, explaining its purpose and significance in various academic and professional settings. They emphasized its role as a powerful word processing tool for creating documents, such as essays, reports, and letters.

The students guided the Grade 6 pupils through the different components of the Microsoft Word interface. They explained the purpose of the menu bar, toolbar, and various formatting options. To make the learning experience more engaging, the college students utilized visual aids and examples.

The college education students proceeded to teach the Grade 6 pupils how to format a document effectively. They covered essential formatting techniques, including font styles, sizes, alignment, and line spacing. The students encouraged the pupils to actively participate by formatting sample paragraphs and sharing their work with the class.

The college students guided the Grade 6 pupils through the process of creating a new document and introduced them to various editing tools within Microsoft Word. They explained how to insert and delete text, utilize spell check, and make simple revisions. The pupils were encouraged to practice these skills by typing short paragraphs and making edits.

The Microsoft Word tutorial for the Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School proved to be a fruitful and engaging experience for both the college education students and the young learners. By equipping the Grade 6 pupils with basic computer skills and introducing them to the powerful features of Microsoft Word, the tutorial aimed to enhance their academic capabilities and prepare them for future educational endeavors.

Narrative Report: Microsoft PowerPoint Workshop at Mananao Elementary School
Date: May 23, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

On May 23, 2023, a group of third-year college education students conducted a workshop on Microsoft PowerPoint for the Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School. The purpose of this workshop was to enhance the students’ computer literacy skills and familiarize them with the basic features of PowerPoint.
Prior to the workshop, the college students spent several days preparing the curriculum and materials. They created a comprehensive lesson plan, including various interactive activities to engage the Grade 6 pupils. The college students also prepared handouts and visual aids to assist in their teaching process.
The workshop began at 1:00 PM, with the college students introducing themselves and the purpose of the session. They explained the importance of Microsoft PowerPoint in creating visually appealing presentations and how it can be used to enhance communication skills.
The first activity focused on introducing the basic functions of PowerPoint. The college students provided a step-by-step demonstration on how to create a new presentation, insert text, images, and various multimedia elements. They emphasized the importance of using appropriate fonts, colors, and layouts for effective presentations.
Following the demonstration, the Grade 6 pupils were given the opportunity to practice what they had learned. The college students divided them into small groups and assigned each group a topic. The pupils were asked to create a short presentation on their chosen topic using PowerPoint. The college students provided guidance and support as the pupils worked on their presentations.
Once the presentations were completed, the college students encouraged the pupils to present their work in front of the class. This activity aimed to boost their confidence in public speaking and develop their presentation skills. The college students provided constructive feedback and applauded the efforts of each group.
The Microsoft PowerPoint workshop at Mananao Elementary School was a success. The Grade 6 pupils actively participated in the activities and demonstrated a good understanding of the basic features of PowerPoint. The college students effectively delivered the workshop, combining theoretical knowledge with practical exercises. The workshop not only enhanced the computer literacy skills of the pupils but also encouraged creativity and improved their presentation abilities.
The college students concluded the workshop by thanking the Grade 6 pupils and their teachers for their active participation and engagement. They expressed their hope that the skills learned during the workshop would benefit the pupils in their future academic and personal endeavors.
Overall, the workshop served as a valuable learning experience for both the college students and the Grade 6 pupils. It fostered a collaborative and interactive learning environment, providing the necessary foundation for the pupils to continue exploring the world of technology and presentations.

Narrative Report: Microsoft PowerPoint Training for Grade 6 Pupils
Date: May 25, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: Mananao Elementary School

On May 25, 2023, a group of third-year college education students organized a Microsoft PowerPoint training session for the Grade 6 pupils of Mananao Elementary School. The aim of this activity was to introduce the students to the basics of Microsoft PowerPoint and enhance their digital literacy skills.
Prior to the event, the college students meticulously prepared the materials and lesson plans to ensure a smooth and effective training session. They designed a curriculum that covered the fundamental concepts of PowerPoint, including slide creation, formatting, inserting media, and adding transitions. Additionally, the college students prepared handouts and visual aids to facilitate the learning process and make it more engaging for the Grade 6 pupils.
The training session began promptly at 1:00 PM in the designated computer lab of Mananao Elementary School. The college students were greeted warmly by the Grade 6 pupils, who were eager to learn and explore the world of PowerPoint. The college students introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of the training agenda.
The session kicked off with an interactive discussion on the importance of PowerPoint in modern communication and its various applications in different fields. The Grade 6 pupils actively participated, sharing their experiences with PowerPoint presentations. This created a positive and inclusive learning environment.
Next, the college students demonstrated the step-by-step process of creating a PowerPoint presentation. They guided the Grade 6 pupils through each stage, ensuring that everyone was following along. They covered topics such as slide layout, text formatting, inserting images, and creating transitions.
To make the training more engaging, the college students incorporated hands-on activities. The Grade 6 pupils were divided into small groups, and each group was assigned a specific topic to create a presentation about. The students were given the freedom to explore their creativity and present their ideas using PowerPoint.
During the practical session, the college students provided individual support and guidance to the Grade 6 pupils. They addressed questions, clarified doubts, and shared valuable tips to improve their presentations. The atmosphere was vibrant, with students collaborating and assisting each other throughout the process.
The college students effectively conveyed the basics of PowerPoint, allowing the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of the software’s functionalities. By incorporating interactive activities, the college students ensured that the pupils actively participated and retained the knowledge.
Moving forward, it is hoped that this training session will serve as a foundation for the Grade 6 pupils to further explore and utilize Microsoft PowerPoint in their academic and personal endeavors. The college students also expressed their willingness to continue supporting the students in their digital learning journey.

Narrative Report: Mental Health Awareness Seminar at Neuva Era National High School
Date: May 30, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

On May 30, 2023, a group of third-year college education students organized and conducted a Mental Health Awareness Seminar at Neuva Era National High School. The seminar aimed to educate and raise awareness about mental health issues among the high school students, equipping them with knowledge and strategies to maintain positive mental well-being.
The college education students began the preparation for the seminar several weeks in advance. They formed a committee responsible for organizing and coordinating the event. The committee conducted research, developed informative materials, and prepared interactive activities to engage the high school students effectively.
At 1:00 PM, the seminar commenced in the classroom of grade 11. The college education students welcomed the participants, comprising approximately 30 senior high school students, along with teachers and school administrators. The seminar was divided into three main sections: presentations, interactive sessions, and a question-and-answer segment.
The speakers Ms. Elgie Porlucas and Christine Madarang delivered a series of presentations addressing various aspects of mental health. They began by defining mental health and emphasizing its significance in maintaining overall well-being. The presentations covered topics such as common mental health disorders, signs and symptoms, stigma, and available support systems.
To actively engage the high school students, the college education students organized interactive sessions. These activities included scenario-based activities. These sessions encouraged the participants to reflect on their own mental health and provided them with practical strategies to promote well-being.
The Mental Health Awareness Seminar at Neuva Era National High School successfully achieved its objectives. The college education students effectively imparted knowledge about mental health issues and contributed to reducing the stigma associated with seeking help. By engaging the high school students in interactive sessions, they empowered them to actively prioritize their mental well-being.
The Mental Health Awareness Seminar organized by the third-year college education students was a significant step towards promoting mental well-being among high school students. By equipping them with knowledge and strategies, the seminar aimed to empower the youth to prioritize their mental health. It is hoped that this initiative will contribute to fostering a more supportive and understanding environment for mental health at Neuva Era National High School and beyond.

Narrative Report: Vices Awareness Seminar at Malalinta National High School

Date: June 1, 2023

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

On June 1, 2023, the third-year college education students organized and conducted a vices awareness seminar at Malalinta National High School. The purpose of this seminar was to educate and raise awareness among the high school students about the dangers and consequences of engaging in vices, such as smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and other harmful behaviors. The event aimed to promote a healthy and responsible lifestyle among the students.

Prior to the seminar, the college education students formed a committee responsible for organizing and planning the event. The committee conducted extensive research on vices, their effects on individuals and society, and preventive measures. They also prepared informative presentations, interactive activities, and handouts to engage the high school students and effectively deliver the me

The vices awareness seminar began at 1:00 PM in the grade 12 classroom. The college education students welcomed the high school students and introduced themselves as facilitators for the seminar. .

 The presentations covered various aspects related to vices, including their health risks, legal implications, social consequences, and impact on personal and academic lives. Mr. Jester Paul T. Garcia the presenter, used multimedia aids such as PowerPoint slides, videos to illustrate the information effectively.

To ensure active participation, several interactive activities were incorporated into the seminar. These activities included question-and-answer sessions. The high school students actively engaged in these activities, sharing their perspectives, experiences, and concerns regarding vices and those who answers with the following questions were given a rewards.

The vices awareness seminar at Malalinta National High School was a significant step toward promoting a healthier and responsible lifestyle among the students. Through informative presentations, interactive activities, and the expertise of a guest speaker, the seminar successfully raised awareness about the dangers and consequences of vices.

Narrative Report: Distribution of Relief Goods to Persons in Need

Date: June 25, 2023

Time: 8:00 am – 10:00 am

On the morning of June 25, 2023, the third-year college education students embarked on a noble initiative to distribute relief goods to individuals in need. With the goal of providing support and assistance to those affected by difficult circumstances, the students organized this event as part of their commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

In the weeks leading up to the distribution day, the college education students worked diligently to ensure the success of their relief goods distribution project. A planning committee was established, comprising several student volunteers who were responsible for coordinating logistics, acquiring necessary supplies, and liaising with local community organizations.

The students assembled at a designated location, eager and ready to carry out their mission. They divided themselves into smaller teams, each responsible for a specific area or group of individuals in need. Each team had a team leader who was entrusted with the distribution process and ensuring its smooth execution. They gave relief to the peanut vendor and other persons who are in need.

The relief goods were packed into plastic bags and labeled according to their contents for efficient distribution. The students ensured that the items were carefully sorted, considering the varying needs of different individuals and families.

Throughout the distribution process, the college education students demonstrated professionalism and dedication. They ensured that every individual received an adequate amount of relief goods, prioritizing the most essential items such as food and water. They also provided information on how to access additional support services available within the community, such as counseling, medical assistance, and employment resources.

The distribution of relief goods by the third-year college education students was a resounding success. Through their collective efforts and unwavering commitment, the students made a significant impact in the lives of individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.

By engaging in this community service project, the students not only fulfilled their social responsibility but also gained invaluable experiences and developed a deeper understanding of the social issues prevalent in society. This endeavor served as a testament to the power of collective action and the positive change that can be achieved through empathy, unity, and a genuine desire to help those in need.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022


How Journalism is viewed today?

Journalism in the modern day is very different from that of the past. In the past, your neighborhood newspaper, which was published every morning, provided the majority of your news and information but in today’s world journalism become digitalized and biased. We all know that the purpose of journalism is to provide citizens with the information they need to make the best possible decisions about their lives, their communities, their societies, and their governments. However, it often encounters bias in disseminating information.


Journalism employs particular techniques to obtain and evaluate information with the goal of prioritizing the welfare of the public. In other words, journalism exists to serve the public interest, and journalists should regularly verify the facts they’re reporting on to ensure they’re true. Moreover, people can get information wherever they are and whenever they want via Google search, and with that they’ll find a lot of information. Nevertheless, the issues in journalism and to a journalists today have changed. They are no longer the undisputed authorities in the subjects they write about. Today’s readers might be more intelligent and knowledgeable than they are. Now they will go somewhere else if you don’t listen to them, work with them, work for them, and offer them what they need and desire. Additionally, they have a lot of different options. However, as a result of this, fake news is now an all too typical occurrence. As I red the report published by a certain Yvonne Chua of the University of the Philippines showed that Rappler was among the least trusted brands in Philippine news media. The report, published by the University of Oxford and the Reuters Institute showed Rappler alongside tabloid publications Abante and Bulgar at the bottom of a list of “most trusted” brands. People see this as bias because they think that journalism is no longer tell the facts, in the reason that journalists interpret information based on their values. They no longer serve the public. They serve special interest groups, and whoever is trying to direct the narrative.

Therefore, journalists should keep their opinions out of the news, and news outlets as a whole should not be making statements regarding on their view on the issues. Besides, they must always strive to report truthfully and as balanced as possible because their job is to report all sides, and interpret and explain issues to your readers so they can decide for themselves based on your reporting. Some argue that unbiased reporting is impossible, but I think it’s worth the effort to be as unbiased as humanly possible.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

World English Vs. Standard English

In the world full of options, English will be forever a choice. 

    English has now acquired the title of the world’s leading “global language” (Crystal 2003, 1) because it is used for business, science, and politics. 

    When we use the term English, readers may assume that we are referring to a standard of usage that everyone agrees upon. Readers may think that we must mean British Standard English or American Standard English because the English that exists in such places as Africa, Asia, the West Indies, the Philippines and Singapore is not real or standard English.

     Readers may also think that teachers of English as a second language (ESL) must be teaching British or American Standard English because that is what their learners want to learn. In fact, the issue is not as straightforward as we may think; there is neither an agreed-upon definition of Standard English, nor is there agreement on what students of ESL need or want to learn. 

World English

    World English has been defined as a phase in the history of the English language. This phase has witnessed the transformation of English from the mother tongue of a handful of nations to a language being used by far more speakers in non-mother tongue settings. The changes that have accompanied this spread the multiplicity of varieties result not from the faulty and imperfect learning of the non-mother tongue speakers, but from the nature of the process of micro-acquisition, language spread and change," says Janina Brutt-Griffler in her book "World English."

The Convenience of World English

    In the introduction to the book, "English in the World: Global Rules, Global Roles," Rani Rubdy and Mario Saraceni point out: "The global spread of English, its causes and consequences, have long been a focus of critical discussion. One of the main concerns has been that of standardization. This is also because, unlike other international languages such as Spanish and French, English lacks any official body setting and prescribing the norms of the language. 
    This apparent linguistic anarchy has generated a tension between those who seek stability of the code through some form of convergence and the forces of linguistic diversity that are inevitably set in motion when new demands are made on a language that has assumed a global role of such immense proportions.
    "One consequence of the global predominance that English has gained over the last few decades is that today non-native speakers of English far outnumber its native speakers (Graddol 1997, Crystal 2003)."

    In the "Oxford Guide to World English," Tom McArthur says, " Although world English is varied, certain varieties and registers are fairly tightly controlled, often through standardized patterns of use.

  Standard English

  The term Standard English refers to both an actual variety of language and an idealized norm of English acceptable in many social situations. As a language variety, Standard English is the language used in most public discourse and in the regular operation of American social institutions. The news media, the government, the legal profession, and the teachers in our schools and universities all view Standard English as their proper mode of communication, primarily in expository and argumentative writing, but also in public speaking.

  • "Standard English is thus different from what is normally thought of as speech in that Standard English must be taught, whereas children learn to speak naturally without being taught." (The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage and Style. Houghton Mifflin, 2005)
  • "We need to know Standard English, but we need to know it critically, analytically, and in the context of language history. We also need to understand the regularity of non-standard variants. If we approach good and bad grammar in this way, the study of language will be a liberating factor not merely freeing learners from socially stigmatized usage by replacing that usage with new linguistic manners, but educating people in what language and linguistic manners are all about." (Edwin L. Battistella, Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others? Oxford University Press, 2005)

The Convenience of Standard English

    Standard English is that particular variety of English which is regarded by educated people as appropriate for most types of public discourse, including most broadcasting, almost all publication, and virtually all conversation with anyone other than intimates.

    It is not entirely uniform around the globe: for example, American users of standard English say the first floor and I've just gotten a letter and write center and color, while British users say ground floor and I've just got a letter and write centre and colour. But these regional differences are few in comparison with the very high degree of agreement about which forms should count as standard. 
    Nevertheless, standard English, like all living languages, changes over time. It is important to realize that standard English is in no way intrinsically superior to any other variety of English: in particular, it is not 'more logical,' 'more grammatical,' or 'more expressive.' It is, at the bottom, a convenience: the use of a single agreed standard form, learned by speakers everywhere, minimizes uncertainty, confusion, misunderstanding, and communicative difficulty generally." (R.L. Trask, Dictionary of English Grammar. Penguin, 2000)


  Hence,  World English and Standard English are vital. Standard English plays a crucial role in our educational system as the kind of English that all children are expected to be able to use, in speaking as well as in writing. It often uses a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools and for international communication and has distinctive features of grammar, vocabulary and orthography (spelling & punctuation) but not of pronunciation. This is because it can be spoken with any accent. It is the most prestigious variety of English, associated with people of high social status. Nevertheless, the term World English refers to the differences in the English language that emerge as it is used in various contexts across the world. A certain group of speakers take a familiar variety of English and adapt the features of that variety to suit the needs of their social context. In light of the given definitions, I conclude that World English is more appropriate to use because it is not complex as Standard English. Research also shows that learning a new language changes your brain structure. It impacts the parts of your brain that are responsible for memory, conscious thought and more. Put simply, learning a new language can make your brain stronger and more versatile, improving the way you think. As I write this article, I suggest that English language teachers should consider all varieties of English, not just British Standard English or American Standard English. In order to better prepare students for the global world, and to show them that their own English is valued, teachers can implement a balanced approach that incorporates the teaching and learning context as well as the learners’ values. It also helps to prepare learners for future interactions with speakers of different varieties of English. The guidelines to following a balanced approach presented in this article are not meant to be prescriptive, nor do they claim to be comprehensive; we recognize that not all teachers have a choice about which variety of English to emphasize in their instruction. However, these guidelines can be adapted by all teachers who wish to help their students prepare for real world interactions.




  Narrative Report: Environmental Protection Outreach Program Date: May 6, 2023 Location: District 4, San Manuel, Isabela Time: 1:00 PM – 4:...