Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in females under the age of 20. The numbers of teenage pregnancy are very high but when you think about the numbers most could have been prevented with the use of protection. A female can become pregnant from sexual intercourse after she has begun to ovulate which can be before her first menstrual period but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished females. This is an important issue for several reasons. For example, there are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers.
The motives of this project is to inform the teenagers who are lack on knowledge about the effect of teenage pregnancy on their lives. And to help them realize that this is not just a simple problem but also it can ruin lives.
It will lessen the number of teenage pregnancy on the Philippines.
The numbers of teenage pregnancy are very high but when you think about the numbers most could have been prevented with the use of protection. Some people may not afford condoms but if you cannot afford a condom you cannot afford a baby. Children from homes ran by teenage mothers go through a hard time in life. Teenage mothers have no time for other things, because they are busy taking care of their baby. Most teen mothers end up dropping out of high school, because they do not have time for school anymore. They work for low wages to make money and support the child. Some teenagers try to stay in school to have a good image, so that other people in school do not look at them as a pregnant teenager but as just one of them. Most teens that have had sex wish they had waited longer and most teens and adults believe that it is important for teens to be given a strong message from society that they should not have sex until they are at least out of high school. Other teens do what they have to do and give their full support to the child, they stay in school until close the time of their baby's delivery date. When teenagers plan to have intercourse, they should think about whether or not they could handle a child in their life. "Each year, women around the world experience 75 million unwanted pregnancies. Unwanted pregnancy can happen for two main reasons: either the couple was not using contraception, or the method they were using failed. There are many reasons why people do not use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, including lack of access to family planning information and services; incest or rape; personal or religious beliefs; inadequate knowledge about the risks of pregnancy following unprotected sexual relations; and women's limited decision-making ability with regard to sexual relations and contraceptive use.
Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social social and economic cost through immediate and long-term impacts on teen parents and their children,
- Pregnancy and birth are significant contributors to high school drop cuts rate among girls. Only about 50% of teen mothers receive a high school diploma by 22 years of age, versus approximately 90% of women who had not given birth during adolescence.
- The children of teenage mothers are more likely to have lower school achievement and drop out high school, have more health problems, be incarcerated at some time during adolescence, give birth as a teenager, and face unemployment as a young adult.